These Grade 12 students munch their favorite snack and sip their preferred drinks while reading their notes during the exam break. They seemed to have discovered the tried-and-tested formula that optimizes brainpower of students—sufficient review plus a satisfying snack.
The intellectual prowess of students of PCU-D were truly challenged during the second week of March; but they all have survived. “They say that grades don’t define your success but it defines you, whether you are a student or just a student who takes exams for granted,” honor student Gem Agustin (middle) said.
(Photo and text by Dannielle M. Salinas)
April 1, 2019
About PCU
A learning community enriched by Christian values The Philippine Christian University (PCU) is a dynamic community of learning enriched by Christian values and the many and varied perspectives, experiences and traditions of our students, faculty, and staffs.